Prevention of pressure injuries is one of the most important aspects of clinical care for clients who have reduced body movement. Complications can arise from pressure injuries that cause pain and infection and interfere with a client’s functional recovery and/or quality of life.
Vicair is an innovative Assistive Technology brand that has developed its range of pressure care products including the Vicair Mattress Replacement based on award-winning technology that uses air filled SmartCells to offer offer optimal pressure redistribution, reduction of shear forces, optimal immersion and stable, comfortable positioning.
Traditional air mattresses are noisy and electrically powered by a mechanical pump that often require expensive and time consuming ongoing servicing. If the pump fails, the mattress fails. The Vicair Mattress 415 is an innovative, low maintenance and reliable non-powered alternative that delivers optimal pressure redistribution, reduction of shear forces, comfortable and stable positioning.
The Vicair Mattress 415 is particularly suitable for burns, palliative care, chronic pain management and neurological conditions.
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